(520) 795-7016 | 1506 N. Tucson Blvd 85716

Weekly Specials

10% OFF Spays & Neuters – Wed. & Thur.
(cats and dogs only)


Heartworm Package for Dogs—Includes FREE HEARTWORM TEST!
(25 value) and 12-month Heartworm Prevention Medication
Price depends on dog’s size

 45 % OFF Routine Dental Cleaning Package every Tues & Wed:

  • In-house Blood Testing—including Blood Chemistries and Complete Blood Count for cats and dogs and Heartworm testing (dogs only).
  • IV catheter and fluids during the procedure,
  • General Anesthesia—using Isoflorane, a commonly used gas anesthesia,
  • Vitals monitoring—prior to and during anesthesia and at recovery.
  • Free oral exam while your pet is under anesthesia, so we can more accurately evaluate the status of your pet’s oral health.
  • Full Mouth Digital Dental X-rays.
  • Scaling and polishing your pet’s teeth with a piezoelectric scaler and high-speed polisher,
  • Antibiotic injection (as needed),
  • Nursing care by our trained and caring technicians,
  • Daytime hospitalization (Pets are admitted in the morning and typically released  late-afternoon or evening. We close at 8pm.),

*You can’t always see dental problems when they occur UNDER the gums. This is why Dental X-Rays are an important diagnostic tool.

Current vaccinations by a veterinary clinic and a current exam by one of our veterinarians are required.

* Extractions, additional services, or procedures than what is listed above and extra medications are NOT included in our Routine Dental Cleaning Package; thus will be an additional expense and not discounted.

Call 795-7016 for more details, pricing, and to schedule an appointment.